
Soheila Sokhanvari, Boogie Wonderland
Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London
15 October - 14 November

Iranian-born Wysing studio artist Soheila Sokhanvari is presenting new paintings and sculpture in the solo exhibition Boogie Wonderland at Kristin Hjellegjerde gallery, London.

Soheila Sokhanvari Boogie Wonderland

Subscribing to the school of magical realism that enhances reality, in which the banal and everyday take on new life and meaning by being imbued with an elevated focus, the works also belie the complex political undertones of her work, allowing her to take a step back and examine events from her native country through the lens of distance and time. She investigates the concept of collective trauma as an experience that can be told through the narratives of individuals, using mainly family photographs as her source material, alongside found imagery from pop culture and news recordings.

Further information about the exhibition is available on the Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery website, here.

Further information about Sokhanvari's work is available here.