Movement for Different Bodies:
An Inclusive and Accessible Workshop with Lou Coleman
Saturday 27 October, 12–3pm
This workshop is now full up. To join the waiting list, please click here.
Movement for Different Bodies:
An Inclusive and Accessible Workshop with Lou Coleman
Saturday 27 October, 12–3pm
This workshop is now full up. To join the waiting list, please click here.
Artist Leah Clements and collaborators Rebecca Bligh, Uma Breakdown, Elena Colman, Alice Hattrick and Lizzy Rose have formed a new network of art practitioners who identify as ‘crip’, disabled, or otherwise non-conforming to standard ideas of good health.
The group has invited Lou Coleman, a Feldenkrais Practitioner and performance artist to lead a public movement workshop open to everybody, particularly those who often feel excluded from dance and movement workshops. This movement workshop is intended as a safe space for all bodies and needs.
The Feldenkrais Method is a gentle yet powerful through-the-body movement approach that respects the incredible abilities of the nervous systems and the plasticity of the brain, helping the brain and body to work together. It is grounded in the belief that everybody can learn, grow and develop, regardless of abilities. The workshop will be embedded in these principles and those of inclusive practices.
If you have access requirements and would like to discuss these before the workshop, please contact Lou Coleman by email, loucoleman@yahoo.co.uk
The workshop will be held in a space that has level access with an accessible toilet. Personal Assistants are welcomed to join.
Please wear warm, layered clothing and bring a yoga mat or blanket for the workshop.
Lou Coleman has been involved in the design and development of inclusive and accessible ways of working since 2009. Among her portfolio she has worked with Candoco Dance (2010-11), StopGap Dance (2014, developing inclusive Feldenkrais practices). As inclusive arts based consultant for FanSHEN Theatre (2015) and Oily Cart (2013-14) on developing more ways to be inclusive for a wider range of audiences. Recently as Diversity Officer for We are Epic (2017-18), the consultancy included setting up of best practices around in inclusion and access within the structure of the organisation. As a qualified Feldenkrais Practitioner, Lou has a lively practice that includes children, teenagers and adults of all abilities, ages, access needs and backgrounds. Inclusion. It’s vital. It works better when it’s inherent in everything we do.
For more details on the crip theory group, click here.
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