
Free Futurecamp Family Animation Workshop Drop In Session
Camera. Objects. Action. And Gif making!
Saturday 14 June 2014, 2-4pm

Come and join artist Rob Smith  for this fun and free animation workshop using photography, video and film techniques with online tools to make mini movies.

Interact with everyday objects make them move and act - give them a new presence in different digital spaces and animate them for the future.

This workshop is suitable for all ages and all the family.  Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. No Booking necessary, just come along, everyone welcome.

The session is also suitable for any children and young people working towards Arts Award and will be supported by Bryony Graham, Arts Award Adviser and Wysing Producer - Children and Young People’s Programmes. For information about more Arts Award please go to www.artsaward.org.uk.

The workshop coincides with the first event of  Futurecamp where Wysing will be exploring what the future might hold, from five specific positions. Artists who will be in-residence are Bonnie Camplin, David Raymond Conroy, Patrick Goddard, Daniel Keller, Rachel Maclean, Shana Moulton, Ahmet Öğüt, Rachel Reupke, James Richards and Tracey Rose.

Click here to see the full Futurecamp event and artist residency details.